Neal Hallstrom
Co-host, producer and editor of MK Podquest and Crew Expendable, Sega enthusiast, Guy who builds things.Appears in 81 Episodes
Discussing Alien: The Original Screenplay Comic Adaptation
Discussing the comic book adaptation of Dan O'Bannon's original Alien screenplay from Dark Horse Comics by Christiano Seixas, Guilherme Balbi, Candice Hahn and Michael...
Discussing Alien (1979) - Part 2: Demon, Let Loose
Part 2 of our discussion of the film that started it all
Discussing Alien (1979) - Part 1: The Space Jockey Pursuit
Part 1 of our discussion of the film that started it all
Discussing Archie Vs. Predator Issue 2
We read issue 2 of Archie Vs. Predator to get hyped for PREY!
Discussing The Alien: Covenant Short Film Collection
More Walter, more Daniels, more David and more Shaw(!)
Discussing Alien: Covenant (2017)
Terraformer Jade (Instagram @Jadesketches) joins the crew of the USCSS Podcast to discuss Alien: Covenant
Discussing The Last Supper- The Alien: Covenant Prologue
The next stop on our mission through Alien: Covenant - the official prologue short film.
Discussing Archie Vs. Predator Issue 1 - Fun In The Sun!
We both just really wanted to read Archie Vs. Predator.
Discussing Alien: Covenant Origins - Oh My God, It's A Mirage
We discuss the official prequel novel to Alien: Covenant, written by Alan Dean Foster
Discussing Prometheus: Fire And Stone
The crew of the 'USCSS Podcast' discuss Prometheus: Fire And Stone issues 1-4 from Dark Horse Comics."This mountain. It keeps growing. But there's no podcast activity ...
Discussing The Prometheus Deleted/Alternate Scenes
The crew of the 'USCSS Podcast' discuss the Prometheus deleted and alternate scenes
Discussing Prometheus: The Peter Weyland Files
Kenny and Neal talk about Peter Weyland, David, and the promotional short films created to expand the world of Prometheus