A journey through the ever-expanding universe of the Alien media franchise hosted by two xenodorks.
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Discussing Aliens Vs. Predator Vs. The Terminator [Issues 3-4] With Bob!
"What's this? Crab-face wants me to podcast? Why not?"Subscribe to Bob's podcast: Bob on Twitch:
Discussing Aliens Vs. Predator Vs. The Terminator [Issues 1-2] With Bob!
(This episode was recorded in September, prior to our hiatus)"...they stole my soul. They took away my death. And they have the ability to torture me endlessly... podc...
Reading Aliens: What If...? [Issue 3]
What if Neal was getting ready for a hurricane and forgot to publish the episode at its normal time?Listen to our other 'What If...?' episodes:Issue 1Issue 2"My last n...